Rosa-albardeira, also a rose from Fátima

It's common knowledge that May is special in Fatima.
But not everyone knows that May is also the month of our Rosa-albardeira.

Of fleeting beauty, this rose is cherished in our backyards throughout the year to shine for a mere fifteen days.

Fifteen days of rosy splendor in our gardens.

A flower that blooms in rocky places, under holm, cork oak or oak woods, our mountain is undoubtedly the perfect home for this flower to shine.

The queen of roses is sublime in its color, gentleness, and softness of touch.

This year it's already reigning in our gardens. Let's enjoy it!


"Rosarium”, an Exhibition of Faith and Hope

  In Santuário de Fátima

Gigantic, tiny, made of noble materials or simple wood, you'll find rosaries of all shapes and forms here.

Rosaries that both popes and nameless believers alike have prayed with the same zeal.
Rosaries that accompanied the three shepherds of Fátima in the strength of their belief.
Rosaries created by notable names in Portuguese art such as Joana Vasconcelos.
Rosaries offered by the Hope of the Portuguese women.

Faith and Hope are at the root of every rosary, of every bead prayed.
Both are of incalculable value.

The trails that lead us to Fatima




Many paths lead us to Fatima.
Whether in a spiritual quest, pilgrimage, or pure leisure, no way is the right way.

And along with resilience comes the pleasure of the traveled miles.

The arrival in Fátima is always the culmination of days of traveling.
Whether done classically or radically, the route is always a space for construction.

These guests came from Poland on an off-road adventure.

In their paths of faith, they visited Lourdes and Santiago de Compostela and arrived at our hotel in Fátima for a well-deserved rest. Welcome!

“We are shaped and fashioned by what we love”

                                                                                                                               Johann Goethe


The path undertaken with passion and love serves as the theme for the Blessing of the Helmets. And that energy can be felt!

Every year, Fátima enthusiastically welcomes thousands of motards.
Whether from far or near, they bring an energy that can be heard and felt!

The bikers take over the city.
The streets reach new decibels.
And Fátima is filled with the warmth of reencounters.

The pilgrimage of the motorcyclists is a manifesto of friendship, faith, and hope,
meaningful for all of us.

Esteemed motorcyclists, it's always a joy to have you with us!

Testemunhas de outros tempos





Árvores sem anos povoam o Santuário de Fátima.
São testemunhas de tempos idos, dos tempos atuais.
As suas folhas sussurram palavras de tantos quantos se sentaram
nos bancos de pedra às quais oferecem a sombra.
A sombra generosa que nos acolhe na oração.